Friday 19 August 2011

My overlocker is finally working!!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. After starting my own business 10 months ago it's grown a little too quickly for my health and I've not been too well. It's still small and on paper not even breaking even but I still get a sense of accomplishment every time I sell something so it's therapy in a sense but have had to learn to warn people that things may take a few weeks to make so I'm not rushing and putting too much pressure on myself.

On the good news front after a bout of insomnia tonight I finally got my 10 month old overlocker threaded and working for the first time! I can't sew during the night as my sewing room is right underneath our bedroom and it's too loud so after I'd cut out all the parts for some projects and was still awake I decided to give it a go. I'd tried a few times when it was first bought for me but the instructions for threading it were so complicated that after I'd threaded it three times and snapped the threads three times trying to get the tension right I'd put it to one side till I had more time to look at it (and quiet without sammy interrupting) and tonight I finally got it going! I've tested it on a scrap of fleece and it seems to be working fine so going to be brave and use it on my trousers I've got cut out later.

Sorry the picture isn't great but it's 4am and I'm using my iPhone as my laptop is in the bedroom.

For those of you with an overlocker/serger I can definitely recommend a "bob n serge" as it's cheaper to match your thread to your fabric because it uses 4 bobbins rather than 4 cones so you just have to buy one reel of thread.
Here is a quick picture of it all set up:

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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