
Sunday 13 January 2013

This or That

So I've decided to link up with the this and that linky at the city girl gone coastal blog. The post about this can be found here. So you all get to find out a little bit more about me.

So this week's questions are:

Pepsi or Coke - coke for me I much prefer the taste (diet only) but will drink Pepsi too

Dog or Cat - dog, although I've never owned either

Movie or Book - book definitely

Twitter or Facebook - facebook. I've tried Twitter but never really took to it.

Book or E~reader - ereader. Was a die hard book fanatic but when the strength in my hands and arms got worse I had to switch and I LOVE my kindle! Actually kindles as I have the original and the kindle fire. Not only easier to read but great for throwing in my bag and not having to worry about taking another book if I'm almost finished one and great for holidays where I can easily go through 4-5 books in a week.

Tea or Coffee - coffee. Can't stand tea but love coffee especially caramel latte.

Ketchup or Brown Sauce - ketchup. I don't actually like brown. I do however love barbeque and sweet chilli.

Sweet or Savoury - sweet. Major chocaholic!

Red or white Wine - white and the drier the better. Although I very rarely drink these days as it causes a massive pain spike for the 2 days following.

Bath or Shower - a long hot bath with a good book.

Pub or Wine Bar - a good old fashioned pub

PJ’s or Nekkid - pjs

Mickey Mouse or Danger Mouse - danger mouse. After all I am married to Penfold!  Lol

 IPod or Walkman - iPod

Chocolate or Vanilla. - chocolate!

Frank Sinatra or Sam Cooke - Frank!

Original or Improved - improved (well most of the time) but it must retain the original character.

Glass or Plastic - plastic. I have to have plastic plates, cups etc as drop them so often and was costing a fortune in breakages! Lol

Pancakes or Waffles - pancakes

Home or Away - home. Unless away is somewhere hot then away.


  1. I've read quite a few bits of research suggesting that the artificial sweetners in diet drinks can cause worsening of your symptoms, Fibro, ME etc, have you looked at the ingredients of zero? xx

  2. Thanks so much for linking up, love your answers!

    I can't believe you are married to Penfold, I'm impressed!


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